Saturday, February 7, 2009

Final Copy

Kenny has finished his account of the case. It is simply titled Save Evan Smith. (Download it here.) I find that Kenny's book helps to clarify many of the confusing aspects that have occurred during our race for answers.

Once again, thanks to everyone who helped us along the way. Even the smallest of clues help us prepare for future attacks. We can always hope that our troubles are over but I doubt mother_nature is done with his work.



Monday, January 19, 2009


Well I'm sorry to say there aren't any clues as to where m_n and his gang are headed...

I have gotten in touch with a good friend, Kenny Katayama. He's willing to type up a summary of the entire case for free as long as I put up one of his ads. That's why you see a red box in the sidebar now.

If anybody involved with the search would not like to have their username mentioned in the summary, let me know. If you do want your name in this horrible event, well then, pat yourself on the back because you'll probably be mentioned. I will post the eBook version up when it's finished.

Sadly we have lost but not everything was a waste. With the beauty of the internet, we are now able to put it all together and hopefully understand the big picture. Who knows? This documentation could prepare us for the dreadful games m_n plans to carry out in the future...



Friday, January 16, 2009

Received a mail

From mother_nature - 5 minutes ago:





Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Should have expected this... (Pages 26-29)

Beverly Hills Police Department - 1/14/09 - 11:27 AM
Mr. Cunningham? We're calling with information about Evan, Pamela, and James Smith.

At around 4:00 in the afternoon yesterday, neighbors reported seeing them leave their house with a load of equipment. Since then, they have not returned.

Due to the suspicious activities involving the Smiths recently, we inspected the residence and found no noticeable clues apart from some designs for a cube-shaped object.

The department is puzzled as to why they would voluntarily disappear and ask that you please help by supplying any additional information you can offer.

I think it's all pretty self explanatory now... I thought I was saving Evan Smith... Instead, I helped his killer(s) get away. Never have I hated myself so much...

The final pages to this sad sad story:



Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Cunningham: Okay... Schmoo... I'm guessing that's not your real name first of all. Is there anything else you would like to go by?
Schmoo: Well my real name is Logan Barth but pretty much everyone calls me by that nickname. I like it better than my real name anyway. Schmoo was some old cartoon character but I think we spelled it differently the first time we wrote it... It sounds better the way it-
C: Well let's not get too carried away in the history of your nickname... I'm going to ask you a series of questions. I need you to answer with complete honesty.
S: Can do.
C: First of all, were you ever friends with a Fred Davis?
S: Mhm... I heard what happened and I was just dazed by the hell he must have been through... I'm still not over it. It's pretty hard to take.
C: Sorry I only have a few questions Mr. Barth... I mean uh, Schmoo.
S: The last time I saw him was the night he disappeared. Me and some other high school friends threw him a big party. He was really glad. It was a great way for him to see everybody again cause he had gone to university in the east. I went to the same university but the others hadn't seen him in like forever.
C: Okay. Do you know an Evan Smith as well by any chance?
S: Well yeah, of course.
C: What do you mean of course?
S: Fred is Evan Smith. I think he legally changed his name three or four years ago.
C: He changed his name? Please elaborate.
S: Yeah. During our university days we all had nicknames. I was Schmoo and it stayed with me since.
C: And how did Fred... or Evan get his name?
S: We had- well he had a psychology teacher by the name of Fred Davis that he absolutely admired. Evan would memorize his words and often quote him. As a joke we called him Fred Davis Jr. and I guess... it just stuck. Why?
C: So he changed his name?
S: Well it wasn't just that. He was part of some journal psychoanalysis club and decided he would go by that pen name. I guess that's how it really stuck. Not just to his writing but to his life...
C: Yes about that club...
S: They were a group of students all from the same dorm. Each member had a journal for writing stream of consciousness, dreams, or ideas that ran by them. They would meet regularly and discuss exactly what their feelings and ideas meant and would try to delve further into how the human mind worked and interacted with the environment.
C: And there wasn't a mother_nature? A crazy or distinctively cynical member among this group of people?
S: Mother nature? Well I wasn't in it myself so I wouldn't know... most of those kids were pretty crazy anyway. I wouldn't be able to narrow it down for you.
C: Interesting... I know it was a lot of trouble to get such a short interview going, but I don't really have anything left to ask you... You wouldn't know anything about Grand Gaia Industries by any chance?
S: It was Fred's new company. That's all I know.
C: Well... thank you very very much, Schmoo. I hope I wasn't too much of a hassle.
S: No. It was good talking. Keep me informed about what's going on. What happened completely destroyed my faith...
C: Will do. Once again, thanks.



Monday, January 12, 2009

Grand Gaia + Who is Smith/Davis? + Pages 21-25

I've got some really strange info guys. Let me start from the beginning...

I should have known you can't use the internet on the plane. Sorry but I rarely get out of state. Not up to date with these things.

Well I talked with the manager of Grand Gaia Industries. He was a very charming man. What he told me was not so charming. Long before Fred Davis went missing, a group of employees was sent over to the west coast to explain the basic systems of the company to the California division. Problem is, they never came back... A few days after their departure, it was discovered that blueprints, for a Grand Gaia machine that compresses cars, had disappeared along with them...

Take note: The manager was really sorry about not posting any of this on the site... he said that "potential criminal information open to the public eye could easily shut down the entire company". I hope you guys appreciate the fact that I'm leaking all this info so you can help.

It doesn't take much to understand that whoever headed over to California was out to kill Fred. The question is why? And was it even Fred???

Pages 18 and 19 completely contradict the beginning of the notepad because Davis declares himself as Evan James Smith. I don't know why so because Grand Gaia and Fred's family seem to address him by the name Fred Davis...

I'm very confused (as usual).

Speaking of strange names showing up in the notebook, I made a quick phone call asking about this Schmoo guy. I got his email and home address and, hopefully, will be able to talk to him by tomorrow night...

Just so you guys know, the scanning isn't finished but almost. Here are the next five pages:



Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pages 16-20

Guy had nothing to do with the case. I'm pretty sure. Going to be heading to Grand Gaia's eastern quarters soon. Hopefully they will help me out there. I'll post again when I'm on the plane.



Pages 11-15

I've got a possible lead on mother_nature. This was mainly thanks to a rudimentary list of people who were in Fred's journal club. One man was recently placed in a psychiatric hospital. That doesn't mean he has anything to do with the case but who knows.



Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pages 6-10

I met Fred's mother and brother today. It was the saddest sight I had ever seen... They offered me a room for the night but there was no way I could stay there staring at their lost faces...

More pages:




I'm going to be on the road these upcoming days. Trying to find people who could be associated with both Evan and Fred. Please come up with typed versions of the first five pages. I just don't have time.



Friday, January 9, 2009

Pages 1-5

I just received Fred Davis' notebook. The investigators said it did not contain any important information so I was free to do my own inspections. Hopefully we'll find something they did not...

I'll go ahead and post the first five pages so you guys can help me. The continuation will be added whenever there is time.

The writing is really hard to read so please help me in typing this thing out. Thank you all by the way for being so helpful in the progress of this sad and disgusting story.



The Evan Smith Situation © Layout By Hugo Meira.